AG Trademark LLC is a company that provides trademark registration and protection services for businesses and individuals.
AG Trademark LLC was founded in 2016.
The brand has quickly gained recognition in the legal industry and has been featured in various publications and media outlets.
LegalZoom is an online legal service provider that offers trademark registration services, among other legal documents and services.
Rocket Lawyer is an online legal service provider that offers trademark registration services, among other legal documents and services.
Trademark Engine is an online trademark registration service that provides affordable trademark registration services.
AG Trademark LLC helps businesses and individuals register their trademarks with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). This includes conducting a comprehensive trademark search, preparing and filing the trademark application, and responding to any office actions from the USPTO.
AG Trademark LLC also provides trademark monitoring services to ensure that no one else attempts to register or use a similar trademark, which could cause confusion among consumers.
In the event that a business or individual's trademark is infringed upon, AG Trademark LLC provides legal representation to enforce trademark rights and defend against trademark infringement claims.
A trademark is a symbol, word, or phrase that is used to identify a particular product or service and distinguish it from those of other companies.
Registering your trademark provides legal protection against others using a similar or identical mark, and allows you to enforce your trademark rights in court if necessary.
No, AG Trademark LLC currently only offers trademark registration services in the United States through the USPTO.
The trademark registration process can take anywhere from 6 months to over a year, depending on various factors such as the complexity of the mark, potential conflicts with other trademarks, and the USPTO's processing times.
If your trademark application is rejected by the USPTO, AG Trademark LLC will work with you to address any issues or objections, and can file an appeal if necessary.