Basic Gear is a brand that focuses on creating affordable and high-quality outdoor gear and apparel for adventurers and explorers who value comfort and durability. They design gear that's perfect for hiking, camping, backpacking, and other outdoor activities, making it easier for anyone to get out and explore.
Basic Gear was founded in 2010.
Since then, they've grown to offer a wide range of outdoor gear and apparel.
The brand has gained a loyal following among outdoor enthusiasts who appreciate the quality and affordability of their products.
REI Co-op is a well-known outdoor gear brand that offers a wide range of high-quality outdoor gear and apparel. They focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility, and their prices can be higher than Basic Gear's. However, REI Co-op has a larger selection of products and a longer history in the outdoor gear industry.
Columbia Sportswear is a well-known brand that offers high-quality outdoor gear and apparel. They're known for their advanced technologies, such as Omni-Heat and Omni-Shade, which provide superior warmth and sun protection. Their prices can be higher than Basic Gear's, but their products are often more technically advanced.
The North Face is a popular brand that offers a wide range of high-quality outdoor gear and apparel. They're known for their reliability and durability, and their products can be more expensive than Basic Gear's. The North Face has been in the outdoor gear industry for a long time and has built a strong reputation for quality.
Basic Gear offers a range of hiking boots that are designed to be comfortable and durable. They come in a variety of styles and sizes, and are made from high-quality materials to ensure that they last for years.
Basic Gear backpacks are designed to be lightweight and spacious, with plenty of compartments and pockets for storing gear. They come in a variety of colors and sizes, and are perfect for day trips or weekend camping trips.
Basic Gear tents are designed to be easy to set up and take down, with plenty of ventilation and waterproofing to keep you dry and comfortable. They come in a variety of sizes, from one-person tents to family-sized tents.
Basic Gear sleeping bags are designed to be warm and comfortable, with high-quality insulation and soft fabrics. They come in a variety of sizes and temperature ratings, so you can find the perfect sleeping bag for your needs.
Basic Gear is a brand that creates affordable and high-quality outdoor gear and apparel for adventurers and explorers.
Basic Gear products are available online and in select outdoor gear stores.
Basic Gear offers a range of outdoor gear, including hiking boots, backpacks, tents, and sleeping bags.
Yes, Basic Gear products are designed to be durable and high-quality.
Basic Gear products range from $20 to $150, depending on the product.