Oasis Floral Products is a brand that offers a wide range of floral foam, floral solutions, and other floral accessories that help professional florists create stunning flower arrangements.
Founded in Kent, Ohio in 1954
Expanded internationally in the 1960s
Acquired by Smithers-Oasis Company in 1997
Floralife is a brand that offers floral solutions, floral foam, and other accessories to help professional florists create stunning flower arrangements.
OASIS Floral Products EU is a brand that offers a variety of floral foam, floral solutions, and other floral accessories for professional florists and DIY enthusiasts.
Syndicate Sales is a brand that offers a wide range of floral containers, floral foam, and other floral accessories for professional florists and DIY enthusiasts.
OASISu00ae Floral Foam is a water-absorbing foam that is used to hold flowers in place when arranging them in a vase or other container.
OASISu00ae Floral Adhesive is a fast-drying glue that is used to attach flowers and other floral accessories to foam, fabric, and other surfaces.
OASISu00ae Floralifeu00ae Products are floral solutions that help extend the life of cut flowers by providing essential nutrients, hydration, and protection against bacteria.
Floral foam is a water-absorbing foam that is used to hold flowers in place when arranging them in a vase or other container.
Oasis floral products are made from non-toxic, biodegradable materials that are safe for the environment.
Oasis floral products are available at many florist supply stores and online retailers.
There are many types of Oasis floral foam, including standard bricks and balls, decorative shapes, and pre-cut pieces for specific arrangements.
No, Oasis floral adhesive is designed for use on porous surfaces like foam, fabric, and paper. It may not bond well to non-porous surfaces like glass or plastic.