Outdoormaster is a brand that produces outdoor gear and equipment for various outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, camping, hiking, and more. They focus on producing high-quality gear at an affordable price to make outdoor activities accessible to everyone.
- Outdoormaster was founded in 2015.
- The brand started with a small team of outdoor enthusiasts.
- Their first product was a ski goggle.
- Outdoormaster quickly gained popularity for providing high-quality gear at affordable prices.
- Today, they have a wide range of products for various outdoor activities.
REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.) is a popular outdoor equipment retailer with a wide range of products for various outdoor activities. They offer high-quality gear but at a higher price point than Outdoormaster.
Kelty is a brand that produces outdoor gear and equipment for various outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and backpacking. Their products are of high-quality, but they tend to be on the higher end of the price scale.
Black Diamond is a brand that produces outdoor gear and equipment for various outdoor activities such as climbing, skiing, and hiking. They are known for their premium quality products and can be more expensive than Outdoormaster.
Outdoormaster produces high-quality ski goggles that are affordable and have excellent performance on the slopes. They have a variety of frames and lenses to choose from.
Outdoormaster produces backpacks suitable for camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities. They come in various sizes, colors, and styles, making them versatile for different outdoor adventures.
Outdoormaster produces camping tents suitable for two or more people. Their tents have excellent quality and are designed with durable materials that can withstand different weather conditions.
Outdoormaster is based in San Francisco, California.
Yes, Outdoormaster produces high-quality gear at affordable prices.
Yes, Outdoormaster offers a one-year warranty on all of their products.
Yes, Outdoormaster ski goggles have a design that fits well over glasses.
Outdoormaster products can be purchased on their website, as well as on Amazon and other online retailers.