Outdoors&spares is a company that specializes in outdoor gear and spare parts. They offer a wide range of products for camping, hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities. Their products are known for their durability and reliability.
Started as a small shop in 1985, providing spare parts for outdoor equipment.
Expanded their product offering to include outdoor gear in 1990.
Opened their first retail store in 1995, catering to outdoor enthusiasts.
Launched their e-commerce website in 2000, allowing customers to shop online.
Introduced a line of branded outdoor gear in 2005, gaining popularity for their high-quality products.
Expanded their reach to international markets in 2010, establishing partnerships with distributors worldwide.
OutdoorGear is a leading competitor of Outdoors&spares, offering a wide selection of outdoor gear and equipment. They focus on providing innovative and top-quality products to outdoor enthusiasts.
AdventureMax is a popular brand that competes with Outdoors&spares. They specialize in outdoor gear and accessories, emphasizing functionality and performance.
OutdoorWorld is a well-established competitor of Outdoors&spares. They offer a comprehensive range of outdoor gear, catering to various outdoor activities and adventure sports.
Outdoors&spares offers a variety of camping tents, ranging from compact solo tents to spacious family tents. Their tents are made with high-quality materials and designed to withstand various weather conditions.
Their hiking backpacks are designed for comfort and durability. They come with multiple compartments and features to accommodate all the necessary gear for hiking adventures.
Outdoors&spares provides a wide range of fishing gear, including rods, reels, tackle boxes, and accessories. Their products are designed for both amateur and experienced anglers.
They offer a selection of outdoor clothing for various activities, including jackets, pants, shirts, and footwear. Their clothing is designed to provide comfort, protection, and functionality in outdoor environments.
Outdoors&spares offers a warranty of XX years for their products. Please refer to their website or contact customer support for specific warranty details.
Yes, Outdoors&spares ships internationally. They have partnerships with distributors worldwide to ensure global availability of their products.
Yes, Outdoors&spares tents are designed to be waterproof. They use high-quality materials and employ waterproofing techniques to keep you dry during inclement weather.
Outdoors&spares has a return policy that allows customers to return products within XX days of purchase. They provide refunds or exchanges for eligible items. Please check their website for more details.
Yes, Outdoors&spares backpacks are adjustable to fit different body sizes. They offer adjustable straps and suspension systems to ensure a comfortable fit for all users.