PJ Masks is an animated children's TV series produced by Entertainment One and Frog Box. The show follows three six-year-old friends who transform into superheroes to save the day from villains who threaten their city. The brand includes a wide range of merchandise and toys, such as action figures, role-playing costumes, and vehicles.
The first episode of PJ Masks aired on September 18, 2015.
The show is based on the French picture book series 'Les Pyjamasques' by Romuald Racioppo.
In 2016, the show won a Licensing Award for Best Licensed Toys or Games Range.
Power Rangers is a long-running American TV series about a group of teenagers who transform into superheroes to fight against evil. The franchise also includes a range of toys and merchandise.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an American franchise about a group of anthropomorphic turtles who are trained by a rat sensei to fight crime. The franchise includes TV series, movies, and merchandise.
Transformers is a franchise about sentient robots who can transform into vehicles or other objects. The franchise includes TV series, movies, and merchandise.
A range of vehicles based on those seen in the show, each with a figure of one of the main characters.
Poseable figures of the main characters, with accessories included.
Masks of the main characters, with elasticated straps to fit children's heads.
PJ Masks is targeted at children aged 3-6 years old.
PJ Masks airs on Disney Junior.
The villains are Romeo, Luna Girl, and Night Ninja, each with their own villainous plans.
Yes, there are several PJ Masks video games available on various platforms, such as Nintendo Switch and iOS devices.
The three main characters transform into their superhero alter egos: Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko.