Tailwater Outfitters is a US-based outdoor gear brand that specializes in producing high-quality fly-fishing gear and related accessories.
Founded in 2009 by experienced fly fishermen.
Started with one product, the 'Pro Travel Fly Rod and Reel Case'
Over the years, the company has expanded its product line and distribution network.
Orvis is an American family-owned retail and mail-order business specializing in high-end fly fishing, hunting, and sporting goods.
Simms is a US-based company that specializes in designing and manufacturing fishing gear for fly fishing enthusiasts. Their products range from waders, boots, jackets, and packs.
Patagonia is a well-known outdoor gear company that produces high-quality sustainable outdoor apparel and accessories. Their product line includes gear for various activities such as fly fishing, skiing, and rock climbing.
A durable fly rod and reel case that protects your fishing gear on the go.
Tailwater Outfitters offer a range of high-quality fishing vests designed for fly fishing enthusiasts.
Tailwater Outfitters' fishing waders are made of high-quality materials that combine comfort and functionality, making them ideal for fly fishing.
Tailwater Outfitters products are available on their official website and many online retailers and outdoor gear stores.
Tailwater Outfitters is committed to sustainability and uses environmentally friendly materials wherever possible. They also partner with organizations like Trout Unlimited and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers to promote conservation.
Yes, Tailwater Outfitters offer a limited warranty on their fishing waders.
Tailwater Outfitters is known for producing high-quality fly-fishing gear and accessories that are designed to last.
Tailwater Outfitters' gear is specifically designed for fly fishing, but some of their products like backpacks, jackets and hats can be used for other outdoor activities.